All tagged expedition

Sistema J2, Mexico 2013

I began caving with very few books available to read on the subject, four to be exact. The first two were stories that involved Bill Stone, the third was Caves of the Canadian Rockies, and the fourth was the Rats Nest book (Under Grotto Mountain by Chas Yonge). Bill had a bit of a reputation that I have heard about on an expedition or two, as well as through other cavers etc. I figured I should try to cave with him or on one of his expeditions one day

Castleguard Cave, Canada 2010

I traveled from Nanaimo to Calgary, got the sat phone, organized gear, and began my obsessive cutting of weight, knowing I had been "volun-told" to be a bottle carrier. In the end a 45-liter bag held all of my gear. Well, on big trips I go light and fast and understand the commitment. If I get cold, I must move faster. If I carry in a jacket, I sleep in it so I can use a lighter sleeping bag etc.

Tain Xing - China 2011

During Mexpe 2011 I was strongly encouraged to go to China for a caving expedition. Once back in Canada, and having dealt with being robbed of most of my possessions (in Canada), I contacted the expedition leader, Imogen Furlong to see if I could join in on the fun.