Hole in the Wall Cave, Mt. Cory - Banff, Canada (2018)
Hole in the Wall Cave, Mt. Cory
Having wanted to visit Hole in the Wall Cave ever since laying my eyes upon it years ago. This June I finally took the time to visit it. I have included a guide for others to enjoy this wonderful place. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!
Hole in the Wall Cave from the Bow River.
Beware of rockfall. Only attempt in fair weather when no snow or ice is present, as you are exposed to large drop offs.
Here are some suggestions for conservation, if you are going to enter this cave:
- Clean up after people, whether it is you or someone previously there.
- Never defecate in the cave. Nobody wants sit in or smell your piss or shit.
- Do not vandalize the formations, or walls of the cave (No Graffiti).
- Take nothing but Photos and Memories. Remember to play safe.
Jesse Martin enjoying views of the Bow Valley from Hole in the Wall Cave.
Directions/Route Description:
Take Highway 1A (Bow Valley Parkway) west of Banff for approximately 4km and park at a small unmarked pullout on the south side of the road, about 400m past the end of the divided highway (GPS – Parking).
Walk back to the divided highway sign and start hiking up to Hole-in-the-Wall Cave.
You will first cross through willows and dead fall, then gain grassy slopes (faint or non-existent trail).
Jesse moving through the willows and dead fall, just off of the highway.
Continue up the grassy ridge keeping the boulder outwash below you on your right, towards the cave entrance.
Hiking up the grassy ridge.
After some time (around 1 hour) you will arrive at a junction below a rock bluff with red flagging and a cairn (GPS - Slab Junction).
Turning left at the Slab Junction. Notice the cairns and red flagging.
Follow the left trail for about 100m (red flagging and cairns) then turn up hill at red flagging and cairn (GPS – Scramble Junction).
Jesse pointing the correct way up the broken ground, 15m above the Scramble Junction. Traverse Right and follow the cairns up for 100m.
Hike up the tree filled gully for 15m then traverse right following cairns and ascend up broken ground for 100m to a flat look out (the cave is visible).
The view of Hole in the Wall Cave from the flat look out.
Downclimb 10m into a small bowl and traverse across it following cairns and up the broken ground on the other side. Continue following cairns across two ribs and into the drainage gully for Hole-in-the-Wall.
Looking up the gully towards Hole in the Wall Cave.
Hike up the gully staying in the main drainage until the cave is visible above you. Follow the drainage up, staying on faint trails on the left side until you arrive in the entrance (GPS – Hole-in-the-Wall Cave).
The entrance to Hole in the Wall Cave.
569 m of elevation gain over 2.1 km. Total Approach Time: 2 hours.
Expect a leisurely return trip time of 5 hours
GPS Locations:
Parking 11U 590050 5669902 Altitude: 1395m
Slab Junction (Go Left) 11U 590799 5670505 Altitude: 1674m
Scramble Junction (Go up and right) 11U 590785 5670544 Altitude: 1708m
Hole-in-the-Wall Cave 11U 591108 5670545 Altitude: 1938m
Hole in the Wall Cave Description:
The impressively large entrance leads up a sediment slope. To a large flat passage with a few drips. There are a few packrat nests, and a man-made stone wall with a cave register in a Nalgene bottle (Currently needs a new book – June 2018). Sadly, people have also chosen the vandalize the cave walls. Please do not do this!!
Vandalism. Please do not add to this.
The cave terminates after a few meters in a small enclave with a sediment choke. The dig has been looked at by numerous caver, and all have agreed on two items. First, there is likely more passages buried beyond, and second it is very likely not worth digging due to the large amount of sediment one would have to remove.
Total Length: 56m
Cave Register -As of June 2018 it needs a new book.
A map of Hole in the Wall Cave.