All tagged Adventure

Peru Caving Expedition 2012

I arrived through customs at 01:30 after a marathon of airline movies. Met my ride and raced another cab through the streets of Lima (speeds exceeding 150km/hr!), to the hostel we would be using as a base. Andy McKenzie and Adam Haar, arrived the day before, were waiting with beer! We downed a few while catching up until 04:15. So began my Peruvian adventures!

Mexpe 2011 - Tequixtepec, Mexico

This trip began as far away as one can get from Mexico, in the frozen cave we call Castleguard. It is here that I met Christian Chenier, and Gael Herve. They had decided to come out and experience this amazing cave as there was a “year off” in the Mexpe expeditions. As cavers do, we all shared caving stories and Christian mentioned what the SQS was doing in Mexico, I was hooked.